August 8th 2015 is the numerological alignment of 8-8-8. The number 8 is the symbol for infinity and numerologically vibrates the energy of continuity, abundance and harmonic balance.
This year we get the triple alignment. Some are saying this is a special portal where the energies of the Light consciousness of Sun will flow upon the Earth and can uplift those who are open to receive. They call this day (8-8) each year the Lion’s Gateway because it happens when the Sun is in Leo.
Here are two channellings that speak to this time. First from channellerShanta Gabriel from The Gabriel Messages:
“Dear Ones,
“Every year on August 8 the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you.
“This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet.
“This year offers a rare triple 8 Lion’s Gateway Activation, as 2015 (2+0+1+5=8) adds another 8 to the equation, creating an even more powerful portal into the higher realms of Divinity.
“The 8-8-8 Lion’s Gateway Portal opened July 26 to inspire newbalance between your heart’s intelligence and your thinking mind, creating a connection that will become your new reality; a reality so deeply aligned with your soul that it provides a platform for a profound inner foundation of Love.
“This alignment with the Galactic Center inspires your deepest connection to the Christed Heart within you. As you taste this new reality, the doorway opens, gently revealing to you the Harmony that is possible when you relinquish fear and open into a new alignment with Divine Love.
“The Peace that prevails during this portal period gives you a clear indication of what you have been craving in your heart. The expansive ability to love with your whole heart and mind is the new level of energy being offered in the 8-8-8 Alignment.
“This gives you the freedom and inspiration so you can choose Love as your only reality and expand your energy field to live in a state of true Peace within your heart.
“As inviting as it sounds, this may be uncomfortable for some. Most people are not used to the level of expansion that a state of Peace entails, as most are familiar with their energy field functioning in acontracted state to feel more safe in the new frequencies that are electrifying the nervous system.
“However, the activations that are being provided on a daily basis during the Lion’s Gate Portal are offering your energy system a lift in Light Frequency so you can have a true experience of pure alignment within your being.
“Your Pituitary/Pineal Center, which is connected by pure Light to your High Heart, is the focus of activation for you at this pivotal time.
“Your work as a Light Bearer of new consciousness is to fully open to the perception of this unfamiliar reality as one of Love and Alignment with your Soul’s gifts. The Lion’s Gateway is the portal where you can allow this connection to your Soul to be the consciousness that inspires your life.
“‘Name it and claim it’ becomes a useful process for creation of your new reality. The recognition and focus of your balanced mind/heart connection trains your energy system to work in a new way; one that will fulfill your soul’s requirement for a sense of Harmony and Peace within your heart.
“As you establish Love as your new basis for living, it precedes the unfoldment of expansiveness and levels of freedom in every area of your life.
“Throughout the shift in consciousness occurring through the Lion’s Gateway, be aware of the Masters and Archangels at work to keep the focus of Alignment in the forefront of your awareness.
“The portal you are experiencing is not a mental construct, but a demonstration of one of the most powerful alignments you have ever experienced. The more refined energies that have been awakening those who are preparing the way for all humanity has enabled the purity of the portal for this year.
“New clear alignments that are directly connected to your individual Soul are now possible through the work by many who have been committed to the ascension of all beings on the planet at this time.
“Throughout the energetic gateway period that is occurring now until after August 8, take the time to open your inner portal of awareness through focus on your Third Eye Chakra.
“Ask to align with the frequencies of Christed Light from the great Central Sun, and allow yourself to feel the activation of your Pineal/Pituitary Center.
“Claim Love and Peace as your only reality and let it anchor in your High Heart. As this new Christed Light energy flows through your physical being, it raises your energy centers to the new harmonizing frequencies of the Lion’s Gate Portal in pure alignment with your most Divine Source.
“Allow the brilliance of this pure Alignment to activate the frequencies in your lower chakra centers and become very aware of your ability to connect this energy to the Earth. Imagining your deep connection with the Earth allows this new frequency of expansive heart-centered energy to openly expand and create a new foundation for your life.
“You are guided in this process by the illumined beings actively holding frequencies for all humanity to awaken. The 8-8-8 portal is the time allotted for a new galactic year of mastering your Heart and Mind connection.
“Use this time to activate freedom and new life within you so you can bring forth your Soul’s gifts into your new reality of Love. Feel the support from the Archangels and know deeply in true faith that you are loved.
“And so it is.”
Archangel Gabriel from Shanta Gabriel
Copyright: July 30, 2015(Shanta Gabriel gives permission for her channelling to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.)
Here is channeller Gillian MacBeth Louthan from The Quantum Awakening:
“On August 8, 2015 pure light from the center of the Milky Way galaxy will move with great momentum into the atmosphere of the earth…”
“So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field, to allow it to pass through us as we look at it eye to I. Allow it to encircle you without while holding our field of camouflage. You cannot make this energy obey. It has traveled for eons of time to enter the field of earth at this time.
“Electromagnetic fields coming out of deep space and galactic center are changing the world biology. Our genes reinvent themselves in this constant changing electro-magnetic and photonic bombardment. All the stars and stellar vibrations that come from deep space are here to assist us in embracing a vibration that has never existed on Earth.
“8:8 is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home to the Stars. The very ends of our DNA open to embrace a new connection with the star nations.
“August 8, (8-8) is composed of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It is a place were the polarities meet and heaven and earth sip from each other’s glass. It is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home. The fearlessness needed in the next step of our journey is nonnegotiable and not refundable
“Everything has lent itself to the Now – every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate. Time known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the time chains of the universe kinks. Come Journey back and forth between time.
“Everything on Earth comes from the Stars. We literally are made of Stardust. As we move past the limitations of this contained universe, we come closer to galactic center and remembering our star heritage.
“You are a living vortex, a living light, an emissary of what is good about humanity.
“August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded. A natural remembering as the timing chain of the universe pauses to recalibrate itself.
“The 8:8:8 is symbolic of the human DNA plus one. What comes to be, has not yet unwrapped its protective coatings. These time-veiled records are held within in a crystalline code, which exists within each strand of DNA of the entire Universe.”
©2015 Copyright Gillian MacBeth Louthan All Rights Reserved.
There is Light streaming forth from the cosmos to us at all times. While these numerical alignments are fun opportunities to come come together and focus on deepening our connection to source and receiving on a collective level, they are by no means the only opportunities we have.
But if you have the time, why not create some sacred time to open to receive the Light!
Gracias a Mistic Mamma.